Foresight is 20/20 – How to Sharpen the Clarity of Your Focus

It has been well stated that clarity accounts for 80% of success and happiness. If you’re a business owner or executive, and frustration is a big part of your day or week, it’s likely that you don’t have total clarity. If you’re not progressing as far as you should in your career or in your business, lack of clarity is often a factor.

People who have clear, written goals accomplish far more in a shorter period of time than those ot them could possibly do. This has been proven time and time again across all industries and in professionals of all levels of education and backgrounds.

It’s been said: “Success is goals, and all else is commentary.”

In relation to your goals, there are 3 “must haves” for high achievement. In order of importance, they are:
1. Clarity
2. Clarity
3. Clarity

If you are crystal clear about what you really want from your personal and professional life, this largely determines the amount of success you experience throughout your lifetime.

How often do you write down your goals? You goals will become amazingly clearer the more you write (and rewrite) them. By repetitive training of the mind, you’ll tend to become more consistent in attaining those goals when you know exactly what you want. A strange phenomenon then occurs – you will begin to do less and less of the activities that hinder you from accomplishing your goals!

A 7-Step Process for Goal Achievement

If you’re looking for an easy-to-implement process you can use to achieve your goals easier and faster, then try this approach…

1. Specifically decide exactly what you want throughout each area of your life
2. Write it down in clear detail
3. Set a deadline. If it is a particularly large goal, then you will want to break it down into prioritized sub-deadlines
4. Make a list of everything you’re going to have to do to make your goal a reality. When new items come to mind, be sure to add them to your list
5. Organize the items on your list into a game plan by prioritizing them in the proper sequence
6. Take immediate action on the most important thing you can do on your game plan.
7. Every day choose to do something that moves you toward the achievement of one or more of your important goals.

As few as 3% of adults have their goals written down, along with daily action steps to work on. When you take the time to write down your goals, you move yourself to the top 3%. Once you’ve begun this step, you’ll begin to see the same results they do!

An important daily activity is to be sure