“Passion or Weakness?”

O.K., I did it. I used the internet too much at work and lost my job over it. In my exit interview, when they told me they would have
to terminate me – I feebly replied “It’s a weakness.” Oh, how I could
have kicked myself driving home. When will I learn to keep my mouth shut?

I think this is the best thing that has happened to me, it gives me time to think – re-evaluate my life. Don’t risk your job like I did, though. I was burnt out and not thinking straight and obviouslyhttps://shakuryukou.com/
violated company policy.
This article may possibly help you get a grip and save your job.

You’d think I would be worried about coming home and telling my
husband and daughter about losing my job – instead, all I could think was, it’s not a weakness – it’s my PASSION.

I had been with this company for almost 15 years, but I just never seemed
to fit in. I was making good money, but there was a price to pay for that I guess I just chose not to deliver on. When 5:00 hit, I was going HOME – I had a job to do there.

I kept a saying underneath my adding machine that read: “The biggest mistake people make in life is not trying to make a living at doing what
they most enjoy” (by Malcombe S. Forbes)

I tried to work on my internet business in the evenings and on weekends, but I’m not as disciplined as you guys, the evenings are nothing but
dinner, some laundry, housework, homework, etc…And the weekends, forget it, too much catching up to do, and then before you know it, it’s Monday. Back to the “rat race”.